
Zum Hauptinhalt springenZur Werkzeugleiste springen Über WordPress Stiftung Zukunft - Familie Simon 44 Plugin-Aktualisierungen 00 Kommentare in Moderation Neu SmartCrawl Pro Willkommen, Aykut Cavus Abmelden HilfeScreen Options Common Issues With WordPress 5.5 A large number of users are experiencing an unresponsive interface and issues displaying their sliders. Although LayerSlider is fully compatible with WP 5.5, outdated 3rd party plugins and themes can cause issues affecting the entire site, including LayerSlider. An easy fix is to install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin by the official WordPress Team. We strongly encourage everyone to update every plugin and theme to their latest versions by visiting the place where they was purchased/downloaded. If needed, seek out the authors of the affected items and ask them to make the necessary changes. LayerSlider icon An update is available for LayerSlider WP! You have version 6.8.4. The latest version is 6.11.2. New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin. Set up auto-updates to upgrade to this new version, or request it from the author of your theme if you’ve received LayerSlider from them. Click here to learn more.Hide this message LayerSlider icon Unlock the full potential of LayerSlider Activate LayerSlider to unlock premium features, slider templates and other exclusive content & services. Receive live plugin updates with 1-Click installation (including optional early access releases) and premium support. Please read our documentation for more information. Got LayerSlider with a theme?Hide this message Editing slider: Patenschaftskreis-Indien copy ← Sliders SLIDER SETTINGS SLIDES EVENT CALLBACKS FAQ DOCUMENTATIONNEED HELP? TRY THESE: Slide #1 Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 4000 0 Layer #1 Save changes Use shortcode: [layerslider id=

Caritasverband Westeifel „Patenschaft Vulkaneifel“

Zum Hauptinhalt springenZur Werkzeugleiste springen Über WordPress Stiftung Zukunft - Familie Simon 44 Plugin-Aktualisierungen 00 Kommentare in Moderation Neu SmartCrawl Pro Willkommen, Aykut Cavus Abmelden HilfeScreen Options Common Issues With WordPress 5.5 A large number of users are experiencing an unresponsive interface and issues displaying their sliders. Although LayerSlider is fully compatible with WP 5.5, outdated 3rd party plugins and themes can cause issues affecting the entire site, including LayerSlider. An easy fix is to install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin by the official WordPress Team. We strongly encourage everyone to update every plugin and theme to their latest versions by visiting the place where they was purchased/downloaded. If needed, seek out the authors of the affected items and ask them to make the necessary changes. LayerSlider icon An update is available for LayerSlider WP! You have version 6.8.4. The latest version is 6.11.2. New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin. Set up auto-updates to upgrade to this new version, or request it from the author of your theme if you’ve received LayerSlider from them. Click here to learn more.Hide this message LayerSlider icon Unlock the full potential of LayerSlider Activate LayerSlider to unlock premium features, slider templates and other exclusive content & services. Receive live plugin updates with 1-Click installation (including optional early access releases) and premium support. Please read our documentation for more information. Got LayerSlider with a theme?Hide this message Editing slider: Patenschaftskreis-Indien copy ← Sliders SLIDER SETTINGS SLIDES EVENT CALLBACKS FAQ DOCUMENTATIONNEED HELP? TRY THESE: Slide #1 Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 4000 0 Layer #1 Save changes Use shortcode: [layerslider id="37"]Use PHP function: Danke für dein Vertrauen in WordPress.Version 5.5.1 Dialog schließen Pick an image to use it in LayerSlider WP Dateien hochladenMediathek Medien filternNach Datum filtern Alle Daten Suchen Medienliste ANHANG-DETAILS Gespeichert. Caritas-Patentandem-mit-Projektkoordinatorin-und-Fachbereichsleiter.jpg 10. September 2020 115 kB 1000 auf 565 Pixel Bild bearbeiten Endgültig löschen Alternativtext Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibe den Zweck des Bildes(öffnet in neuem Tab). Leer lassen, wenn das Bild nur als dekoratives Element dient.Titel Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschriftung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Datei-URL: URL kopieren Ausgewählte Medien-AktionenInsertZum Hauptinhalt springenZur Werkzeugleiste springen Über WordPress Stiftung Zukunft - Familie Simon 44 Plugin-Aktualisierungen 00 Kommentare in Moderation Neu SmartCrawl Pro Willkommen, Aykut Cavus Abmelden HilfeScreen Options Common Issues With WordPress 5.5 A large number of users are experiencing an unresponsive interface and issues displaying their sliders. Although LayerSlider is fully compatible with WP 5.5, outdated 3rd party plugins and themes can cause issues affecting the entire site, including LayerSlider. An easy fix is to install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin by the official WordPress Team. We strongly encourage everyone to update every plugin and theme to their latest versions by visiting the place where they was purchased/downloaded. If needed, seek out the authors of the affected items and ask them to make the necessary changes. LayerSlider icon An update is available for LayerSlider WP! You have version 6.8.4. The latest version is 6.11.2. New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin. Set up auto-updates to upgrade to this new version, or request it from the author of your theme if you’ve received LayerSlider from them. Click here to learn more.Hide this message LayerSlider icon Unlock the full potential of LayerSlider Activate LayerSlider to unlock premium features, slider templates and other exclusive content & services. Receive live plugin updates with 1-Click installation (including optional early access releases) and premium support. Please read our documentation for more information. Got LayerSlider with a theme?Hide this message Editing slider: Patenschaftskreis-Indien copy ← Sliders SLIDER SETTINGS SLIDES EVENT CALLBACKS FAQ DOCUMENTATIONNEED HELP? TRY THESE: Slide #1 Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 4000 0 Layer #1 Save changes Use shortcode: [layerslider id="37"]Use PHP function: Danke für dein Vertrauen in WordPress.Version 5.5.1 Dialog schließen Pick an image to use it in LayerSlider WP Dateien hochladenMediathek Medien filternNach Datum filtern Alle Daten Suchen Medienliste ANHANG-DETAILS Gespeichert. Caritas-Patentandem-mit-Projektkoordinatorin-und-Fachbereichsleiter.jpg 10. September 2020 115 kB 1000 auf 565 Pixel Bild bearbeiten Endgültig löschen Alternativtext Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibe den Zweck des Bildes(öffnet in neuem Tab). Leer lassen, wenn das Bild nur als dekoratives Element dient.Titel Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschriftung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Datei-URL: URL kopieren Ausgewählte Medien-AktionenInsert
Caritas - Patentandem 1Caritas - Patentandem 1
Zum Hauptinhalt springenZur Werkzeugleiste springen Über WordPress Stiftung Zukunft - Familie Simon 44 Plugin-Aktualisierungen 00 Kommentare in Moderation Neu SmartCrawl Pro Willkommen, Aykut Cavus Abmelden HilfeScreen Options Common Issues With WordPress 5.5 A large number of users are experiencing an unresponsive interface and issues displaying their sliders. Although LayerSlider is fully compatible with WP 5.5, outdated 3rd party plugins and themes can cause issues affecting the entire site, including LayerSlider. An easy fix is to install the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin by the official WordPress Team. We strongly encourage everyone to update every plugin and theme to their latest versions by visiting the place where they was purchased/downloaded. If needed, seek out the authors of the affected items and ask them to make the necessary changes. LayerSlider icon An update is available for LayerSlider WP! You have version 6.8.4. The latest version is 6.11.2. New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin. Set up auto-updates to upgrade to this new version, or request it from the author of your theme if you’ve received LayerSlider from them. Click here to learn more.Hide this message LayerSlider icon Unlock the full potential of LayerSlider Activate LayerSlider to unlock premium features, slider templates and other exclusive content & services. Receive live plugin updates with 1-Click installation (including optional early access releases) and premium support. Please read our documentation for more information. Got LayerSlider with a theme?Hide this message Editing slider: Patenschaftskreis-Indien copy ← Sliders SLIDER SETTINGS SLIDES EVENT CALLBACKS FAQ DOCUMENTATIONNEED HELP? TRY THESE: Slide #1 Slide #2 Slide #3 Slide #4 Slide #5 Slide #6 4000 0 Layer #1 Save changes Use shortcode: [layerslider id="37"]Use PHP function: Danke für dein Vertrauen in WordPress.Version 5.5.1 Dialog schließen Pick an image to use it in LayerSlider WP Dateien hochladenMediathek Medien filternNach Datum filtern Alle Daten Suchen Medienliste ANHANG-DETAILS Gespeichert. Caritas-Patentandem-mit-Projektkoordinatorin-und-Fachbereichsleiter.jpg 10. September 2020 115 kB 1000 auf 565 Pixel Bild bearbeiten Endgültig löschen Alternativtext Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibe den Zweck des Bildes(öffnet in neuem Tab). Leer lassen, wenn das Bild nur als dekoratives Element dient.Titel Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschriftung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Beschreibung Caritas - Patentandem mit Projektkoordinatorin und Fachbereichsleiter Datei-URL: URL kopieren Ausgewählte Medien-AktionenInsertCaritas - Jubiläum Patenprojekt

Das Projekt: „Schul- und Ausbildungspatenschaften im Landkreis Vulkaneifel“

Armut gilt als zentraler Risikofaktor für Entwicklungschancen junger Menschen, denn andauernde Armutserfahrungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen wirken sich negativ auf Bildungs- und Teilhabechancen aus. Daher unterstützen ehrenamtliche Schul- und Ausbildungspaten Kinder und Jugendliche bei schulischen Aufgaben dem Erwerb der deutschen Sprache oder der beruflichen Orientierung. Ergänzend zu bestehenden Regelangeboten stellt diese unbürokratische Unterstützungsleistung eine wichtige Ressource im Bereich der präventiven Jugendhilfe dar.

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